How Do I Sell An Inherited Home Fast?

Old House
  • By My Tennessee Home Solution
  • 11 Feb, 2022

Inheriting Your House

People can inherit homes for many reasons, but one consistent thing when inheriting any property is a stressful endeavor.

What Happens When You Inherit a House

There is no right or wrong answer when choosing to keep or sell an inherited home. In some cases, the property can become a source of rental income, whereas in other situations, it could be another source of cash after it’s sold — especially when the real-estate market is doing well. (1)

When inheriting a home, commonly many people realize that very few people know what happens when you inherit a home. Their minds flood with complex questions, and while we can not answer all of these questions we are here to help you in any way we can.

Ultimately, when you inherit an estate you only have three choices. You can move in, rent it out, or sell it. 

If you decide to move into the inherited home you will have to evaluate the home and research the annual costs. For some, the mortgage costs are more than the house is worth. So, be sure to find this out. Moving in also gives the responsibility of general upkeep and general expenses. These are costs that all homeowners face.

If you decide to rent out your house, you will have to confirm with your neighborhood. Some neighborhoods do not allow people to rent out their houses. You will also need to provide 24/7 upkeep for the people staying in your home. Whether your home becomes a vacation local or a permanent stay for guests it will provide you with a passive income. 

Or you can sell your house. Selling is the most common and stress-free choice. It allows you to make an easy profit as well as remove any legal or financial responsibilities from you.

While we can not decide whether or not you want to sell or keep your inherited house. If you choose to sell your house we are homebuyers in Tennessee and can promise you an honest price for your home today.

Inheritance and taxes:

When inheriting a house in the state of Tennessee, there is no inheritance tax. The lack of this tax is very nice because you do not have to pay an additional fee to inherit your house. However, this does depend on the state you reside in. So, you should check to see if this tax is applicable in your state. Once you inherit the estate the IRS establishes a new FMV, or Fair Market Value. The FMV affects the fees for when you decide to sell your house. For example, if your parents bought a house for $25,000 and you inherited the IRS can value the home to now be worth $300,000. If you sell this home shortly after inheriting the house you will keep the money that the IRS valued your home at. Any additional money you earned through the sale will apply to tax as an earned income tax.

What to do if you inherited a house?

When you inherit a residence the first thing which must be done is pay off any debt, or mortgage associated with the house. After this, you will need to discuss with the other people who have shared ownership in the house to see what they would like to do with the property. This can greatly complicate the process for some because people often have varying opinions on what to do with the building. After this, it is commonly sure tested that you invest to repair the property even if the plan is to sell the house because it can help raise the value of the home.

What taxes do I pay on an inherited house?

Simply inheriting a house does not instantly create any tax liability for you or your family, but whatever you do with the house does create taxable instances. Moving in, renting out, or selling your estate all come with various types of taxes, such as capital gains and property taxes. Capital gain taxes are the taxes that you make off of the sale of a home. Property tax, also known as an ad valorem tax, is a tax based on the value of the residence. It is a cost charged to the owner annually.

Who Qualifies for the Home Sale Tax Exclusion?

To qualify for the Home Sales Tax Exclusion, someone must live in the house for two years. The money gained from selling your house does not need to be reinvested. However, if the money is put into a new home there will be no tax on the reinvestment. So, to qualify for the Home Sale Tax Exclusion, you would have to move into the inherited property and live there for a minimum of two years.

Can siblings inherit real estate together?

Yes, it is common for siblings to inherit real estate together . While many would assume this to be a good thing, it often becomes a more stressful process if all siblings do not agree. It is common for siblings to disagree on things, such as purchase price, repairs, or any other step of inheriting a property. Surprisingly, arguments about these things are seen even in siblings who typically get along well. If you find yourself in a position where you have inherited a home with other people it is crucial to be knowledgeable and have available resources to help you navigate disagreements.

Sell your house

You could sell your stake in the house to a co-inheritor or you could sell the entire house. Selling the inherited property can be the easiest way to split its value, get some cash and/or take care of any remaining debt that was held by the deceased person. (2)

While inheriting a home is a very stressful endeavor, remember that we are Tennessee homebuyers and we are here to help you sell your house. We will help you while you’re trying to decide what you want to do with your home, and when you choose to sell your estate, we will be here to help you with a quick and stress-free process. Providing you with a fair cash offer for your home as it is.


Don't You want a CASH offer on your home?

You are under no obligation to accept our offer!  We are here to take the hassle out of selling your home!